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The KC (Keltner Confirmation) Collection : software for trading profitably in any time frame. With free unlimited tech support.

Comments from KC Collection Users and Trading Professionals

How To Become a Real-Time Commodity Futures Trader -- From Home Our most popular and comprehensive trading guide: Newly-Updated and Expanded. Includes our valuable Trading Tips special report.

Reader Comments / Reviews

Ordering the Book and Software

A Note to Stock, Bond and Forex Traders

We are proud to note some of the fine organizations that recommend our trading book and software:

Traders Press

Traders Library

Investors Library

Stocks and Commodities Magazine

The Society of Market Technicians

Futures Magazine

Bloomberg Magazine

Data Broadcasting Corporation


Bonneville Market Information

TradeStation Technologies

Latest professional reviews: "A superb new book...eminently practical...perhaps the best book to provide a succinct education in the business of trading...This book should be read and studied by every beginning trader. In fact, it would be beneficial for the great majority of seasoned traders as well..." - from Investor's Library

"An exceptionally comprehensive, practical and well written guide to all aspects of what one needs to know in order to become an at-home trader. Major focus on the actual mechanics of how to make trading decisions and carry them out. We highly recommend this book." - from Traders Press

"This is the most useful book I've seen for the new trader, or for someone already familiar with the markets who wants to pursue trading full-time at home. There is much in it also for the experienced trader. One of the best ways to build your reserve of real knowledge should be to get, read and re-read this book!" - from The Society of Market Technicians

"I represent the country's leading source of market information, and I have the opportunity to speak with hundreds of commodity traders. The response I get from clients who use Scott Krieger's program is always extremely positive. Due to their continuing success, I am very enthusiastic in stating that the KC Collection is the only trading software program I recommend to both the novice and experienced trader alike."
- Mindy Schroeder, Data Broadcasting Corporation / Bonneville Market Information / e-Signal, the most popular real-time data feed provider to independent traders worldwide.

Latest private trader review: "I have just finished reading your book, and I am really amazed with the detailed and thorough information you offer... Your book will be my #1 reference book, and I see only you as my role model. I AM IMPRESSED!" - from LeRoy A. Fuller, New York

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NOTE: This information is being offered for educational purposes only. It is important to understand that while trading stocks, commodities, currencies or futures can be profitable, they are also risky and are not for everybody. It is highly recommended that only discretionary income -- risk capital -- should be used to trade with. Only you know your own financial situation and therefore the suitability of your trading these financial instruments.

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